Sunday, August 17, 2008

Fall Movies

As the summer winds down and the blatant blockbusters are replaced by the blatant Oscar seeking films a warm feeling comes over me. Because even if the year isn't as great as last year, I have confidence that at least one or two gems will surface and its films like that which keep me driving on and hoping to find that great classic. EW just released its Fall Preview issue and having read through it I am interested in the following upcoming films.

Miracle at St. Anna - Spike Lee can make a really good movie and I'm interested to see how he tackles the WW2 genre.

Burn After Reading - I'm a bit wary of Cohen Brothers comedies but I'm giving them a chance to wow me in comedy they way the wowed me in drama last year. (Interesting side note: while viewing a trailer last night of this film in a crowded theater, everyone seemed unsure and uneasy about it until they saw the Cohens named and then they thought it looked really good and funny. Power of a name for you)

Appaloosa - Ed Harris and Viggo Mortensen as strong silent type cowboys in the old school style. Sounds similar to Open Range a few years back and I always love a good traditional western.

Righteous Kill - Mainly its the fanboy in me, hoping for great things from the pairing of DeNiro and Pacino.

The Duchess - Kiera Knightly is pretty and she's actually been fairly impressive as an actress in her last few dramatic roles plus Ralph Fiennes.

Elite Squad - reference was made to City of God which was an excellent film although from all I can tell the only connection is that both films are Brazilian.

Body of Lies - Ridley Scott directing DiCaprio and Russell Crowe in a thriller (yeah expectations are high but these guys have earned it)

RocknRolla - I've never seen the disaster that was Swept Away or the recent critical bomb Revolver but Guy Ritchie still has a place in my cinematic heart thanks to Snatch and especially Lock Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels.

W. - I'm just intrigued by what Oliver Stone will do with it.

Synechdoche, New York - Philip Seymour Hoffman, Katherine Keener and Charlie Kaufman (again just a hope I'm not let down by that promise)

Brothers Bloom - from the director of Brick (which was excellent) plus Mark Ruffalo

The Road - I just started reading this and in one day I'm halfway through. Its surprisingly compelling as a story. Viggo Mortensen feels like pretty good casting from what I can tell.

The Soloist - Joe Wright impressed me with Pride and Prejudice, underwhelmed me with Atonement (though he floored my friend Nick) and I'm eager to see what he has up his sleeve next. Throw Jamie Foxx and Robert Downey, Jr into the mix and my interest is peeked.

Quantum of Solace - I enjoyed Casino Royale quite a bit and am interested in returning to the new Bond.

Revolutionary Road - I'd probably see it just to see DiCaprio and Winslett act circles around everyone but it actually sounds really intriguing as well.

The Curious Case of Benjamen Button - David Fincher really impressed me with Zodiac

And of course I'm hopeful of a rare gem of a foreign film along the way as well.


Wretched Genius said...

The Righteous Kill trailer looks dull, and the film is from the guy who brought us 88 Minutes, which is now being touted as Al Pacino's worst film.

Rory Larry said...

Written by the writer of "Inside Man" though. Good actors, good writer, I'm not saying its going to be good but I'm giving it a chance

Nick Prigge said...

Oh, Rory. If you'd seen "Swept Away"......too painful. I can't go any further.

Rory Larry said...

The man who made "Lock Stock..." can have a "Swept Away" damit. Besides he only did it for his wife.

Wretched Genius said...

But Revolver was all him, and that was horrible.