Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Summer Movies I Want to See

Or rather perhaps I should say, summmer movies I will see whether I truly desire to or not. Without adieu.

Iron Man 2 - Well because Iron Man was really fun. And although as is inevitable with superhero sequels, it will be bad. It will take everything that was great in the first and up the ante by 1000. But it will have great effects and at least one or two good action sequences. Everyone needs a little popcorn action in their summer.

Robin Hood - when this movie was title Nottingham and was to be the story of Robin Hood from the Sheriff's perspective, it was the movie I wanted to see this summer. Now, frankly, its still Ridley Scott and Russell Crowe but I suspect that is going to make it Gladiator 2: The Middle Ages. Which will have some really excited and me really sad.

A-Team - like a bad car crash I can't look away from the destruction of my youth.

Inception - Nolan, DiCaprio and even Mr. Gordon-Levitt. and it seems like Nolan is getting back to the material that made him, weird stuff. and away from highly overrated Batman films.

Predators - Its predators, i have to.

Scott Pilgrim Versus the World - Michael Cera plays a role, one role, perfectly, and as long as you use it right, it works. This seems like its going to work. Also Mary Elizabeth Winstead whom my friend thinks should be the star of the next Die Hard film. And that on its face is close to genius.

Sadly none of these films has me terribly excited.