Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Where Was Tony Todd?

When it comes to the movies in the Final Destination franchise one expects three things:

1) A spectacular opening death sequence

2) Interesting ways of killing off the main characters

3) Tony Todd

What boggles my mind, is how the film makers could leave out the third and for me the most crucial aspect of these three necessities. Tony Todd does provide a voice for the film, but is absent as a character. Let's face it, it isn't as if Mr. Todd had better offers on the table. This leads me to think he realized what a total piece of crap this film would be and didn't even want his face associated with the third installment. A bold statement since he already stared in the second film, without any qualms.

Beyond my disgruntlement that Tony Todd was absent from the film, this movie was....awful. I actually found myself wondering why they even bothered with plot or dialogue. This movie might have actually improved if it had been a film with no dialogue. Either the writer wasn't trying or he is really just a horrible, horrible writer. He also directed and produced the movie, which makes me think its the latter option.

The deaths are completely obvious and ludicrous such that you actually get bored waiting for them to happen. I found myself laughing again and again at how absurdly elaborate death seemed to be getting. Death apparently has a lot of time on his hands, maybe he's afraid of a lawsuit. On top of all this, the characters know what happened to the characters from the first film and yet still think all they have to do is survive one death attempt and all will be well. What part about the fact that all the survivors of the plane flight are now dead, did they not understand? To the second film's credit, the characters at least tried to find away to cheat death. This movie is just a badly made rehash of the first film.

The quality of this movie would have gone exponentially up if Tony Todd had made even the briefest of appearances. I should finally note that to the best of my knowledge, this film also has the first nudity of the three. It was a gratuitous scene as nudity often is in horror films.

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