Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Failure To Be Good

As I've stated several times, I can sit down and enjoy a romantic comedy. Ninety-nine percent of the time they are completely obvious and cliched but usually the chemistry between the stars is interesting and of course the whole business is lighthearted. Sometimes, the filmmakers manage to make awful a fairly easy template to follow. Failure To Launch is on such case. It is a terribly uninteresting and unfunny romantic comedy. It isn't even terribly romantic. There is also a rather stupid inane allusion that if you aren't at peace with yourself, nature isn't at peace with you. This results in several unfunny scenes where an animal attacks Matthew McConaughey.

The story is a disaster of bad movie ideas, so we come to the actors, the only thing that could save this film. McConaughey is still playing that petulant, I don't want to grow up adult, that I've seen him play a thousand times now, or at least it feels that way. Sarah Jessica Parker is boring just like she was in last year's The Family Stone (2005). It seems clear that she shined most and brightest as Carrie Bradshaw in Sex And The City. Zooey Deschanel again plays her standard semi misanthropic Goth type which still has a strange allure for me, but doesn't save a film.

So, bad story: strike one. Unimpressive acting: strike two. Oh and the gratuitous and disturbing scene with a naked Terry Bradshaw. Well if that isn't strike three, what is?

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