Monday, June 26, 2006


I've never been a fan of Adam Sandler and I've never seen him in a movie that I liked. I mean that. At best I have tolerated Adam Sandler in movies such as The Wedding Singer (1998) or Punch Drunk Love (2002). So as I do from time to time, I went to Click fully expecting a movie I was not going to like. My expectations were met dead on...for the first act.

Click starts as a fairly predictable and rather unfunny little film. When he first gets the remote Sandler's character does use it for typically juvenile Sandler antics. But slowly he starts to use it to get ahead and to 'in his own view' stop hurting his family. In the process he starts missing things and eventually wakes up having missed most of his life.

Suddenly he has learned his lesson. His fastlane life has caused him to miss out on some of the most important things. Yes the message is a bit corny and yes at times Sandler can't help but drop in a crude joke but the film has evolved into something else. It is by no means perfect and had there been another choice of movie out this weekend I might not have seen Click but in the end the film grew on me.

Even if the message is corny the saddest truth is, that this is the way a lot of the world runs its life. I mean this is the same world where a person can't go to a movie for two hours without someone having to answer the phone in the middle of it. So as much as I'd like to think a sappy movie like this didn't need to be made, the truth is it probably did. It could have been made better, no doubt, but it wasn't. In the end this isn't a movie I recommend but I must admit it grew on me by the time the credits rolled.

p.s. - Christopher Walken is fantastic in this film, as always.

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