Sunday, November 26, 2006

The Fountain

Darren Aronofsky impressed me with Pi. It wasn't a perfect movie but it was an interesting. Then came Requiem for a Dream which left an indelible image of Jennifer Connolly in my head that always floods to the surface when I see her in any film. It was a depressing film but I didn't feel much sympathy for any of the characters. Now comes The Fountain. Usually the second film from an upcoming director is the pretentious, self-indulgent metaphysical movie. How he managed to hold off til his third film I do not know. I can imagine how this film could have been worse but it stretches the capabilities of my mind to do so. I don't even know how the three story lines really connect. I'll give him another chance to impress me before I decide Aronofsky is a pretentious jackass.

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