Sunday, November 26, 2006

Saw 3

Yes, I have seen Saw 3. Yes, I have often expressed how horrible the first two films were and how much I hated them while I was viewing them and I hated them more for having to sit through them. They are so ridiculously predictable. People act without the slightest bit of sense. Yet somehow, these films keep making money and so they keep making movies. Yes, I acknowledge that my ticket in some way contributes to this fact, but I'm trying to see a crap load of movies in one year here people. Inevitably I have to see the crappy ones. It isn't possible to see 100 good movies in the theater, not in this state at least.

Being Jigsaw must be a tiring experience. No wonder he is dying. So much set up, elaborate bend over backwards set up for so little gain. I suspect even real psychopaths would opt for a far simpler way of killing people. This movie really tried to be deep. Or at least the screenwriter thought he was being deep. Unfortunately, the writer's idea of depth is woefully misplaced. I've seen wading pools with more depth. The saddest thing is that although I hate these "Saw" movies with a passion that I generally reserve for things like Michael Bay's Pearl Harbor, I will undoubtedly go and see any and all sequels that are made and I'll be as bitter then as I am now about it.

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