Thursday, April 19, 2007


David Morse screams serial killer and so having a movie in which he plays one (or a potential one) is about as thrilling as taking out the trash. If you watched the trailer for Disturbia then it basically gave away the major plot point which is unfortunate but it didn't give away how it gets to that plot point. It is that which makes this movie enjoyable to see. It spends a lot of time following Shia LaBeouf's Kale.

Kale is a teenager with angst but the movie gives a fairly unexpected reason for said angst. A quick set up has us following Kale around his house as he is under house arrest for three months. His fed up mom (Carrie-Anne Moss) cuts off his X-Box and his Itunes and Kale starts to go a little stir crazy. That is until he starts watching the neighbors, especially his new attractive female neighbor. To be fair his voyeurism is a big creepy and I'm not sure the watched girl would respond the way she does but in this universe she decides she likes Kale.

It is only after this rather lengthy set-up that we finally move into the thriller part of the movie. Its fairly traditional and follows the guidelines Hollywood set down long ago. Its passable in all this, nothing spectacular happens but it doesn't totally foul it up. For me the movie worked because it spent time in the build up. In the end I enjoyed watching this film. I certainly won't buy it, or likely ever watch it again but for an hour and a half it kept me entertained.

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