Saturday, September 13, 2008

Babylon A.D.

To the base of adoring fans who have waited breathlessly for my review of Babylon A.D. I deeply apologize. Yeah right, as if anyone who is reading this can really barely contain themselves because a self proclaimed idiot hasn't yet expressed his opinion on a end of summer action film. Plot synopsis? Is there even a point? To sum up: dystopian future, weird psychic lady and Vin Diesel. There is something about religion and science but its so boring I find it hard to even care.

This movie is truly and regrettably awful. Vin Diesel has made a career of sorts playing these tough action heroes some he pulls off moderately well (though I still like him best (and it may be the only movie I liked him in) in Pitch Black). Here he is bland and uninteresting and the camera is moving around so much it really doesn't matter what he does, since you will never see it. Let's all agree to a new rule for movies, if your fight sequence has 10583 cuts in a 45 seconds of film then you need to step back and just give us a few damn seconds of sustained shots.

As the film moves it gets increasingly ludicrous and questionable, has an odd cameo by Lambert Wilson (memorable from Matrix Reloaded (one of the few things that was memorable from that movie) but not memorable here. Then rap it up in a nonsensical way and basically forget or show that all that came before is to no purpose. Thanks Babylon A.D. for reminding me why I am ever a bitter person when it comes to movies.

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