Friday, August 01, 2008

Running Tally - Part 7

With just five months to go, July really slowed down. Despite seeing a few of the blockbusters there just wasn't a whole lot being offered out there. Shockingly I resisted the morbid curiosity that was telling me to see Mama Mia!. I also veered off at the last minute several times from Journey to the Center of the Earth. Best to leave that story to Verne which I read as a kid. And despite the blockbuster season, I actually managed to see a film or two that wasn't a blockbuster at all. Seven was my total which has me a bit wary since if this keeps up I'll fall 8 short of my goal by year's end. But I suspect when the juicy cinematic goodness of fall comes there will be plenty to choose from.

Hancock - Its premise is great, its follow through was very disappointing.

Bigger, Stronger, Faster - Took a bit to get used to but at its most sincere moments this is a very well done documentary.

Reprise - Its trying a lot of things, some work, some don't but at its heart is characterization of its two main characters. Ultimately I enjoyed it a lot.

Hell Boy 2 - Visually great, story a little incoherent and uninteresting.

Dark Knight - It had problems but nothing that take away too much from the fact that it is a really well done action film and worth seeing.

X-Files:I Want To Believe - Like a two part mediocre arc from the show.

The Last Mistress - French films usually aren't my cup of tea, especially period dramas. Truthfully this one wasn't very interesting either save for the bizarre presence of Asia Argento that made me guiltily enjoy it.

And now time for another installment of meaningless statistics.

Films Remaining: 43
Days Remaining (As of August 1): 153
Average Number of Films per Day to achieve goal: 0.28
Average Number of Films per Week to Achieve Goal: 1.95

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