Saturday, April 25, 2009

Crank: High Voltage

I've serious addiction problems when it comes to movies. If I go to long without seeing one in the theater, I'll see just about anything. And a weekend ago, I was jonesing pretty bad. Equally relevant is the fact that the first Crank film was a very odd film. I don't remember liking it but I don't remember hating it either. I vaguely recall getting exactly what I expected. I can't say the sequel is a bad film because well quite frankly it doesn't seem apparent that anyone involved in its making was trying to make anything other than a over the top, nonsensical, exploitative mess. It isn't good but the director was never under in delusions that he was making Citizen Kane.

The saddest testament of this film is that I've thought about it several times since seeing it. Mainly asking myself, what in the name of all did I just watch? It took the already ludicrous plot of the first film and magnified it times ten. It offers violence, discrimination, gratuitous borderline pornographic sex and basically attempts to offend every sense and every person with sense. If I had to label it I might say its the closest thing to a grindhouse film the cinema has seen in many years.

The style is basically that of a music video, flashing around so often you don't know what is going on which at times is to the film's credit since you really don't care or want to know what is going on. Let's face it, you aren't seeing this movie, you have no desire to see this movie and no amount at me floundering around trying to express that this movie mystified me in a way I can't quite place is going to convince you to go to this movie. It isn't so bad it's good, but it may be so bad it's genius.

O Jason Statham. How good I thought and think you were in Guy Ritchie's first two outings. You've decided to be an action star and sometimes it works but seriously maybe call up Mr. Ritchie and ask if you can play another part in his films. You really need the help sir.


Wretched Genius said...

Um, Statham was in Revolver, so maybe Richie shouldn't be his go-to guy for quality anymore.

Nick Prigge said...

Rory, did you read the slate article on Jason Statham? If you didn't, you should.