Saturday, January 21, 2006

Underworld: Evolution

When fantasy geeks get together and have an idea, it can quickly degenerate into absurd match-ups, like who would win in a fight the Enterprise or a Star Destroyer. It's pointless and renders some of the most ridiculous and bad movies I have seen to date. These match-ups made in geek heaven have given us Alien Vs. Predator (2004), Freddy Vs. Jason (2003), and the spectacularly bad Underworld (2003) which some how conned a sequel Underworld: Evolution. Tending toward the geek side myself, I admit I enjoyed the concept of Underworld.

Vampires at war with werewolves? Kate Beckinsale looking sultry in tight leather (if a bit pale)? Yes to both. But as it turns out, execution is very important to a film. And the first film was a disaster of bad acting, horror film cliche and just poor writing in general. The plot was confusing and poorly thought out. Flashy fight sequences were fun but unsatisfying in the end.

The sequel is pretty much more of the same. It starts with a text prologue essentially creating a back story that I'm guessing never existed before the second film, which causes it to be a bit more ridiculous. We get an elaborate flashback sequence that sets up our plot and has Bill Nighy chewing scenery. Once we get back to the present, our ridiculously powerful bad guy shows up as well as a quick re-acquaintance with our heroes Selene (Beckinsale) and Michael (Scott Speedman). Throw in a mysteriously led "watcher" type group and you have everyone accounted for.

The flashy fights continue, the story line gets wilder and wilder, if you can't guess who the leader of the "watcher" group is before its revealed, you probably weren't paying attention at all, which might be for the best. The movie has its finally act in an elaborate set piece which gives lots of opportunity for cool stunts and effects. The movie had one moment that actually surprised me and I thought 'bravo' but I should have known better and they went ahead and ruined the one inspired thing they had going for them.

The ending was obligatory and of course open ended in a way. A sequel is no doubt already in the works. I can't imagine how it could get worse, but I'm sure someone else has and was probably involved in the making of the next film.

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