Tuesday, March 04, 2008


If I've learned one thing from the new movie Penelope it is that if you have a physical flaw or some other type of flaw do not fret. You see by accepting yourself for who you are, you will magically have that flaw removed and you can then conduct your life as the beautiful person you actually are. If I've learned two things from the new movie, it is that Christina Ricci with a pig nose is still Christina Ricci and therefore still pretty damn cute.

Ricci plays the titular character Penelope. A girl who's family was curse to have a daughter with a pig face. (Why was it only a daughter who was curse?) Penelope is born and her parents decide to fake her death and keep her hidden away from the world. When she is older they concoct a scheme to find a rich blood blood who will marry her and remove the curse. In the course of this she meets Max (James McAvoy) and falls for him but it fails to work out in typical romantic comedy fashion.

At this point the film changes tactics and becomes a story of liberation for Penelope. She runs away from home and experiences the world for herself. she befriends a feisty bike currier (Reese Witherspoon) and reveals her face to the world. The world instead of horrified is infatuated with her. Eventually we will get an acceptance of her self and a magical fairy tale ending. Blah, blah, blah.

This is a fairy tale attempting to stay relevant in the modern world of film. Its been done better (I'll defend Ella Enchanted). Mainly it seems that it doesn't work because what is supposed to be uplifting about the film (personal acceptance) is treated so poorly. Penelope's parents are as bad as the rest of society when it comes to her. And her acceptance of herself is meaningless since it removes the trait she previously found unacceptable.

Plus it isn't entirely clear that there has been any real acceptance in the end. Max isn't asked to do anything really radical now is he? Excuse us, would you be so kind as to fall in love with Christina Ricci sans pig nose? There was some charm between McAvoy and Ricci in some of their early scenes but overall it like the whole movie is disappointing.

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