Saturday, March 01, 2008

RunningTally - Part 2

February was not a very good month for movie watching. The quality films I was picking up from last year were dried up and I was mainly left with the dumping ground films of the January and February release season. I did manage to re-watch a couple of gems "Diving Bell" "Control" and "Into the Wild" but overall it was a bit of a let down with an aggregate gain of seven. This was helped by my 6 day end run in which I watched one new movie each night in the last week.

February 16 - Diary of the Dead: Wow Mr. Romero, please just stop.

February 16 - Persepolis: Another quality film from last year and this animated no less. Definitely worth seeing.

February 24 - In Bruges: On Oscar day I saw the interesting but messy film from a new filmmaker that shows some potential but gets bogged down in all the genre shifts.

February 25 - Definitely, Maybe: A fairly nuanced take on the classic Rom Com set up but the little girl and some of the plot still irritated me a bit too much.

February 26 - Vantage Point:This film couldn't even live up to its own gimmick which was the only thing it had going for it.

February 27 - Charlie Bartlett: pretty much dead on arrival teen comedy ala Ferris Bueller.

February 28 - Be Kind Rewind: Not great but it had some charm, not sure how I ultimately feel about it, review forthcoming.

And once again the meaningless statistics!

Films remaining: 81
Days Remaining: 305
Average Number of Films to see per day to achieve goal: 0.27
Average Number of films to see per week to achieve goal: 1.8

1 comment:

rorylarry_critic said...

"Runny' like the poop you ate before you wrote these reviews!