Thursday, June 01, 2006

B For Boring

V For Vendetta based on the popular graphic novel can't ever get beyond the ludicrous. I can only presume that the graphic novel is not as bad as this film. The film starts in the "not to distant future" as all good dystopic films do. England has become quite totalitarian thanks to terrorism and things like the avian flu. One man wearing a Guy Fawkes mask stands up to the oppression using oddly enough terrorist tactics.

He saves a woman named Evey (Natalie Portman) and a game of cat and mouse starts as the government attempts to find the masked man. Eventually all the plans of this one man fall into place and by movie's end he has pretty much triumphed including succeeding in the plan that Guy Fawkes centuries ago failed to pull off. There are choreographed fight scenes that are certainly watchable, but overall this movie lacked anything interesting.

In fact, it had quite a bit of uninteresting, not to mention ludicrous. I pretty much checked out of this movie near its beginning when the hero expounds on a diatribe of pseudo alliterative gibberish. I won't bother sitting here and typing out all the truly asinine moments of this film. Suffice to say someone thought it appropriate that Ms. Portman "stand at a attention" if you follow me for most of the movie. Beyond that it is a movie that represents every single left wing conspiracy fantasy you can think of which I can stomach about as much as I can stomach the right wing conspiracy fantasies, which is to say not at all.

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