Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Failure and The Goal Renewed

Despite some marthon movie going near the end of the semester which had me seeing several movies, I did not make the 100 movies in the theater that I had hoped for. I saw Apocalypto, long and bloody but the foot chase sequence in the final act was amazingly fun to watch and so I give a favorable opinion of the movie overall. Eragon played and felt like a ripoff of Lord of the Rings, but if you like sword and sorcery flicks this one will work as a fix. Rocky Balboa, I'm pretty sure a new Rocky movie was not necessary but this movie played fine until the end when I got very angry for some reason. Either the second or third best of the Rocky movies. The Good Shepherd, Matt Damon was really good and really reserved. Not a perfect movie but well done in my opinion. So that wrapped up my movie going experience of 2006. I managed 85 different films (saw Superman Returns twice), fifteen shy of the goal. So I just have to aim for it again. Here we go, I've seen three movies so far, 97 to go!!

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