Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Pan's Labyrinth

Pan's Labyrinth follows a young girl named Ofelia who accompanies her pregnant mother to a military outpost in 1944 Spain where her step father is the commander. He is a sadistic commander for the fascist regime that was in power at that time. Ofelia escapes into her fantasies where she believes she is the long lost daughter of the king of another world.

The film follows Ofelia as she negotiates both the violent and dangerous real world and the idyllic fantasy adventure in her head. The fantasy scenes are amazing to view with textured and even very creepy creatures who aid or hinder her quest to be reunited with her lost world. The fantasy world is off set by the quite brutal things that happen in the real world including torture and summary execution.

This film has a nice balance of both worlds and even has an amazingly good resolve. I left the theater liking the movie and two days later I'm writing this and really liking this movie. The acting was well done, the directing was good. The human stories told were touching and the ending was...without giving anything away...very well done.

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